Pro Cue Macassar Four Secondary Face Splice Green Veneer
This design is a Pro Cue Macassar Four Secondary Face Splice Green Veneer. At Cue Creator we use the best grades of timbers and have the largest selections of woods used for splicing which are all dried naturally.
This listing has various selections as per the cue specifications. Once you check the cue images you’ll notice the great craftsmanship of our cue makers.

Added Bonus: This is a last time offer after these orders CC on hold unitil late 2025- new pricing will be $200-300 more later
- For all of our in stock cues we’re also giving Extensions 23 inch and solid ebony mini butt
- We have the one and only “The Action” Stan Moody now using this cue design.
Stan Moody cue is – 58 inches/ 9.5 titanium, 18.3 ounces, 29.6 butt and a balance of 17.5 inches – We will be ordering some in this spec Later in the Year for Stock ( after logo’s are decided on)